Our Services
Skills shortage: The ability to attract and retain the specialist skillsets, competencies and experience required by the Oil & Gas sector.
– Due to competing industries such as infrastructure projects.
– Ageing Oil& Gas workforce with more retiring then entering the Oil & Gas sector.
– Varying Oil & Gas sector activity levels (Cyclical nature of Oil & Gas sector)
AHT focuses on the longer term sustainability of the sector by building long term relationships with our Clients and personnel, to ensure that our Clients have access to the competencies and experience required to operate safely and efficiently and providing a contingent workforce that is flexible to the Client’s activity levels. AHT’s contractors are mobile and can move from project to project with our Clients if required which enables them to retain employment and to increase their knowledge and experience which benefits the industry a whole. AHT is also a big proponent of professional development of our personnel by assisting with training and accreditation to ensure they have the highest employment prospects possible and are work ready for our Clients when required. AHT also has access to the global Oil & Gas workforce through its international offices in the US, Canada, Trinidad &Tobago and Mexico which provides an additional source of skilled people as required.
– Uncertainty in Workplace (IR) & Immigration Regulation
AHT is constantly keeping informed of current legislation to ensure compliance and also to prepare for any changes that may impact the ability of our Clients to access the required skillsets and experience. An example where AHT has done this recently is with the changes to Immigration Law regarding VISA types / requirements and changes to the skilled occupation list. By keeping abreast of the changes and engaging with the key stakeholders proactively and at the earliest possible stage, AHT was the first Labour Hire Agency in Australia to have its Labour Agreement for Oil& GAs Skilled occupations approved under the new legislation. This ensured no disruption to our Clients requiring access to the overseas skill pool we have access to.
– Diversity targets
In addition to potential skill shortages. Many of our Clients have diversity objectives which is an additional but necessary challenge to ensure the highest performing teams and organisations. AHT actively seeks a diverse range of candidates for all the roles it sources for.
AHT services the Energy sector exclusively and has a comprehensive understanding of upstream organisations and projects. With this knowledge AHT is highly effective in sourcing roles these professional services roles.
AHT has a large network of active personnel on contract and candidates for these jobs and supplies to a network of Energy Companies from single office independents through to supermajors and is well regarded by its Clients and Contractors since incorporating in 2011.
AHT has many additional capabilities to meet our Clients needs and continuously looks to provide additional services. Some of the services currently available
– Immigration capability
– Labour Agreement for Oil & Gas Skilled Occupations.
– Relocation assistance.
– Professional development and training of AHT personnel.
– Background checks – Criminal / Qualification checks etc.
– Special Project / Review Teams – AHT has provided teams to meet an urgent need such as project technical review teams / offshore review teams to review , equipment, processes, HSE etc.